…I’d like to plan what I will do on MY days off. I don’t have that much spare time. And just because I get a day off, doesn’t mean I want you to rearrange your schedule so we can be off at the same time and do something together. This is not about not wanting to spend time with you, it’s about me periodically wanting (NEEDING!) to do what I want to do when I want to do it!

(ed. note: I feel the same way sometimes!)

….but I’d really like the mellow yellow comment to get moved down…..ick!!!

…if it’s yellow leave it mellow is not a practice I want to keep in my own home!

[Reader Submitted]

…but can you please try to be an optimist once in a while??

[Reader Submitted]

…I am not your personal assistant.

[Reader Submitted]

…fix your fence so I don’t have to walk your dogs home every single day.

[Reader Submitted]

…men over twenty five should not enjoy Hannah Montana.

[Reader Submitted]

…because I am a Christian and I am supposed to but its the law to use your blinker SO USE IT!

[submitted by: Amy]

…will you just pick a paint color for our bedroom and STICK with it?

[husband submitted]

…but honestly you talk about yourself way, way too much!!

(Reader submitted)

[Ed’s note: I feel like this could be in reference to me :)]